दोस्तो, अनुवादकों की अगली बैठक दिनांक 25.10.2013 (शुक्रवार) को दोपहर 1.30 बजे बोट क्लब के निकट लॉन में आयोजित की जाएगी. इस बैठक में, कनिष्ठ अनुवादकों हेतु 4600 रू ग्रेड वेतन संबंधी मामले में हमारी टीम द्वारा कैट में दायर किए जाने वाले केस के संबंध में चर्चा की जाएगी. वकीलों से अभी तक हुई चर्चा के उपरांत उनके द्वारा मांगी जा रही फीस को देखते हुए यह तय किया गया है कि प्रति व्यक्ति अंशदान 1000 रू रहेगा. यहां कुछ बातें साफ तौर पर कहनी हैं :
1. व्यवहारिक रूप से यह केस केवल चार-पांच पैटीशनर्स के नाम पर दायर किया जाएगा चूंकि पैटीशनरों की संख्या बढ़ने से वकीलों की फीस भी उसी अनुपात में बढ़ जाएगी. अतएव पैटीशनर इस केस में समस्त अनुवादकों के प्रतिनिधि होंगे और केस में सीएसओएलएस के अनुवादकों के लिए सामूहिक रूप से रिलीफ मांगा जाएगा ।
2. हम प्रारंभ में सीएसओएलएस के अनुवादकों सहित अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों के अनुवादकों को भी पैटीशनर्स में शामिल करना चाहते थे मगर वकीलों ने परामर्श दिया है कि सीएसओएलएस एवं अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों के लिए एक साथ रिलीफ मांगने से मामला थोड़ा उलझ सकता है इसलिए प्रारंभिक स्तर हम केवल सीएसओएलएस के अनुवादकों की बात करें. दूसरी ओर, चूंकि अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों के अनुवादक सीएसओएलएस के साथ पहले ही पैरिटी पर हैं इसलिए उन्हें यह लाभ सीएसओएलएस के अनुवादकों को मिलते ही स्वत: ही मिल जाएगा. इसलिए प्रत्यक्ष तौर पर अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों के अनुवादक पैटीशनर्स में शामिल न होते हुए भी इस केस का हिस्सा रहेंगे. यदि अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों के साथी अंशदान में सहयोग कर हमारे हाथ मजबूत करेंगे तो हम उनके आभारी रहेंगे.
3. एक महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि हम अदालत में तभी जा सकते हैं जब हमारे विभाग/सरकार ने हमारे रिप्रेजेंटेशन को खारिज कर दिया हो. सीएसओएलएस पर यह बात लागू होती है चूंकि सीएसओएलएस के रिप्रेजेंटेशन को खारिज किया जा चुका है. इसलिए अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों के अनुवादक साथियों के लिए परामर्श है कि वे भी अपने अपने विभागों में श्रीमती लीना और एरनाकुलम फुल बैंच के 14 अक्तूबर, 2013 के आदेश के आलोक में 4600 ग्रेड वेतन दिए जाने का प्रतिवेदन दें. विभाग इसे राजभाषा विभाग को प्रेषित करते हैं या नहीं यह बाद की बात होगी. और यदि राजभाषा विभाग उन्हें ठुकराता है तो यह कोर्ट केस में मददगार साबित होगा. इसलिए तैयारियां पूरी रखें.
4. अंशदान 25 अक्तूबर को प्रस्तावित बैठक में मौके पर ही टीम के सदस्यों द्वारा एकत्र किया जाएगा. अतएव अंशदान के इच्छुक साथी अंशदान की राशि बैठक में साथ लेकर ही आएं. अंशदान के रखरखाव की प्रक्रिया पूरी तरह पारदर्शी रहेगी. प्रत्येक अंशदाता का विवरण सार्वजनिक किया जाएगा.
यह बैठक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है और इसमें आप सभी की प्रतिभागिता अपेक्षित है....क्योंकि इस बैठक में इस केस के संबंध में हम सभी को महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लेने हैं. चलिए मिलकर लड़ते हैं ये आखिरी जंग....ताकि भविष्य में हमें कभी इसलिए शर्मिंदा न होना पड़े हमने सलीके से एक प्रयास भी नहीं किया. जीतने के लिए पहली शर्त आत्मविश्वास के साथ लड़ना है !!!
नोट: मित्रो समय कम है और हम व्यक्तिगत रूप से सभी अनुवादकों तक संदेश पहुंचा पाने में असमर्थ हैं....अतएव आप सभी से अनुरोध है कि कृपया इस बैठक की सूचना और संदेश अधिक से अधिक अनुवादक साथियों तक पहुंचाने का कष्ट करें.
Dear Friends,
ReplyDeleteTime without number, it has been reiterated that once an issue is decided by a court of law other similarly situated persons may not be compelled to approach the court again and again. Since the issue has already been decided by the Eranakulam Bench and then Kerala High Court, the benefit should be extended to all the concerned persons without compelling them to approach the Court. If the government is adamant not to give the benefit of the said order to all similarly situated persons, the affected persons have no option but to approach the Tribunal. In view of T. P. Leena's case and consequent orders arising out of it, any case filed in this regard will be favourably disposed in few months time. Now we can not assume that after having passed one more order others who are not parties in the case will automatically be given the benefit just because one more order has been passed involving the same issue. They have also to follow the same route to get the benefit. So why we should ask to share the burden to those who are not going to be benefited directly by passing of such order. The way has already been paved by T. P. Leena & the parties in consequent order. Who have done the most cumbersome job of proving the case in their favour. The followers have nothing to do but to just ask for same treatment as already has been given to them. T. P. Leena and other two have done it on their own without asking us to share their burden. Now we have to bear our burden on our own whether individually or jointly. In wake of T.P. Leena's and other case we have a won case as soon as we file a petition. So it is my suggestion that all of us should try to identify the group with which we can file the case. Individually if you approach the tribunal it will just cost you around Rs. 10000 depending on whom you are hiring. The more the applicant the cost of the case goes higher but individually it get cheaper. Since the issue has already been decided in T.P. Leena and consequent order, any advocate who is just good will win the case for you. We will be benefited with ease and at minimum cost on the basis of T P Leena and consequent order.
Therefore, everyone has to bear his own burden and any person with conscience should not ask the other person to share his burden knowingly that he is also to go through the same route to get benefitted.
Hariom Prasad Gupta Ji,
ReplyDeleteWe respect your take on the issue. But we would again like to reiterate :
1. the case which is being filed by us, is going to demand relief for Translators of CSOLS. We are not demanding relief for petitioners alone. N if Translator of CSOLS get it, then our friends in Subordinate offices will easily get it being on parity with CSOLS. Everybody knows until CSOLS which is directly under Department of Official Language get the benefit, this matter will be disputed on one or another pretext. SO we have to get rid of this bottleneck this time.
2. Second, practically it is not viable for every individual to fight a long and cumbersome case. It has to be fought jointly....n jointly doesnt mean to become a party in the case. We cannot have 100-500 petitioners in a case.
3. Above all, We have already put everything in black and white in the above post. ...now its upto individuals that they support any effort or not.
4. In the first round we are going to collect contribution from CSOLS ppl only. If need be, then only we will ask our subordinate office friends.
5. We are not an association, thus it is bit difficult to mobilize people for the said cause. We need support from everybody be it in any form. If someone like to contribute at his/her own will, we will welcome him/her. Otherwise no one is forced to contribute.
6. For subordinate offices, we have already advised to submit representations in their respective departments. That is the first step to get you due.
7. If an individual/ Group of ppl can approach courts on same grounds, we will be very much happy. Nothing can be better than that.
Dear Moderator,
DeleteI appreciate your openness and candidness but you just need to understand that in service matters a petitioner can ask for the relief only for himself and not for other persons who also deserve the same relief though they are not applicants in the case. Therefore, the implementation of the order passed by the court is binding on the respondent to the applicants in the case only and not other similarly situate persons. Though in so many of cases it has been held by the court that when an issue is settled and has become final, each and every similarly situate persons should not be compelled to approach the tribunal. The reality is that in every department you will find the instances when every similarly situate person is compelled to approach the relief which has been given to others in consequence of some order of the court. I am aware of the instances that in the same office only those persons get relief who approach the tribunal and relief was not given to those who did not approach the tribunal but were asking for the similar treatment as given to others in consequent of certain order of the court.
Secondly, even any of you cannot ask for the relief for all the members of CSOLS. It is only your registered association that can file a case on behalf of all the members. It is not known whether the association is involved in filing of such case.
Thirdly, that is most important we should wait for the implementation of the recent order of the Eranakulam Bench. And if their respondents go in appeal against the order, we should contemplate on supporting Sri P. R. Anandvalli and Sri T. M. Thomas with tan, man and dhan. It is in the interest of all of those who are asking for the GP of 4600 that either the judgement is implemented or confirmed by the higher court and as such has become final. As far as the issue of MACP to JHTs/SHTs is concerned is well settled and has become final. Let the people interpret and argue about the case in whatever logical and reasonable manner.
Finally, I do not doubt your intention and I do appreciate your efforts in uniting and mobilizing translators from all over the country. My apprehension was that some persons may be misconceived that through this case they will get the 4600 even not being the applicant in the case. Such other person should be made aware that they may be compelled to approach the tribunal. After T P Leena's case and recent judgement the only cumbersome process is to convince the authorities in our offices. To them one, two, three or any number of order do not make any difference. If they are disagreeing and unwilling no one is going to get the relief without approaching the court.
Dear Arya Ji,
DeleteJust to remind you that today being the RTI day about which the Govt. is harping a lot, we have indeed got a lawful right to seek information from our respective departments regards steps initiated by them to implement decisions passed by honourable courts for pay parity among all OL staff members of CSOLS or Sub-ordinate offices. Though, I appreciate your decision to approach the court of law without involving our friends from sub-ordinate offices stating that they are already on parity with those in CSOLS, I feel it is a completely wrong notion to begin with. They have all been patiently waiting for issue of Orders from the Govt. side for bringing them on par with CSOLS scale structure consequent upon the Landmark Judgement passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on July the 25th, 2013. Like Mrs T.P.Leena, Mrs. Anandavally and Mr. Thomas in this particular case for grant of Rs. 4600/- Grade Pay to JHT's, we are greatly thankful to Sri Dhananjay Singh, Sri Rajesh Kumar Gond, Sri Mohan, Smt Sumanlatha Bhatia and Others for fighting long lone battles with Union of India to get their rightful pay scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000 w.e.f. 1996. And as Sri Hariom Prasadji has put, it is time for everyone of us to fight for our cause. I am sorry to say, but it gives me pain me not to find a single word praise and appreciation even once in your blog for those crusaders named above who have achieved this goal single handedly. As such, your hand of support is equally called for. As far as my memory goes, Mr. Hariom Guptaji (Cental Excise Department) along with one Mr. Maske and Mr. Kanojia (both from Income Tax Department) have won honours in CAT, Nagpur Bench in the same case. Subsequently, the Govt. side approached High Court but their case got attached to a similar case in r/o of Sri Dhananjay Singh and Others under trial in the Supreme Court. Though the verdict is out long back, precisely three months, they are still awaiting for its implementation. I agree with the Mr Hariom Prasad Gupta's opinion that if the Govt. is adamant in its approach then everyone of us may have to put our step forward and fight it out till the very end, individually if need be. And what better day it could be than this, the day of RTI. I hope this message reaches to all our friends, irrespective of whether they belong to CSOLS or Sub-ordinate offices. I just believe, they would strive hard for justice. Wishing every the best, thanks to one and all.
आदरणीय आर्य जी
ReplyDeleteउपरोक्त बातों को ध्यान में रखते हुए हम अपना प्रतिवेदन बना रहे हैं तथा टीपी लीना तथा नीवनतम कोर्ट केस को आधार बनाया जाएगा ।
वैसे 1.1.2006 से 4600 ग्रेड वेतन के संबंध मे अपने नई दिल्ली स्थित मुख्य कार्यालय ने हमारे केस को रिजेक्ट कर दिया था परंतु तब कोर्ट केस का कोई निर्णय नहीं था हम गैर राजभाषा सेवा अनुवादक से संबंधित अनुवादक हैं फिर भी अगर कोई राशि अंशदान के रुप में कोर्ट केस के लिए हमारी ओर से चाहिए तो हम सदैव तैयार हैं । शेष हमारा विभाग तो यह कहता है कि जो राजभाषा विभाग दे रहा है यानि कि 4200/- हम तो वही देंगे । जब वह पुनरीक्षित करेंगे वह तब ही जारी करेंगे अन्यथा केस हैडकुआटर के द्वारा रिजेक्क्ट करने के बाद कोर्ट केस हम केट में केस दायर कर सकते हैं
डा विजय शर्मा