Dear Friends, 7th pay commission has already been constituted. Soon they will start inviting representations from different stakeholders. But the big question here is, Are we ready for representing our demands ? Do we really know what and how we have to represent? If our representatives are interested in taking translator's views into account ? Among many issues, one pertains to the merger of Junior and Sr. Translators, which is just an absurdity for many of us. We are also aware of some so called logics for this differentiation, which lack any sound reason. This issue has been in the air for years but never chased seriously. Once again we are on the door-step of a new pay-commission. Mr. Deepak Dagar, Jr. Translator, Ministry of Economic Affairs is throwing some light on this issue. Lets us all think, discuss and decide how to proceed further on this issue.
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Deepak Dagar |
Demand regarding the merger of aforesaid posts
was raised at various times. As per the
averments of the pervious association, a couple of years back, a proposal was made to the Cadre
Reviewing Committee that these posts should be merged and designated as
Translation Officer. This proposal was considered by the Department of Official
Language and the Department of Expenditure during the process of Cadre Review,
but the same was rejected by the Dept. of Expenditure and reasons for the rejection are still not known to the public in general except that the proposal became a victim of whims and fancies of few of our own seniors. Rumors and stories are galore in this regard. Thereafter, no one endeavored for review on
that proposal. At present, nothing is being done by current association in this
Now the time has awarded us another opportunity
for this merger and definitely we should utilize it by representing this
proposal to the 7th Pay Commission.
In case, the merger is accepted by the Pay
Commission, pay and all other disparities between senior and junior translator
will come to an end and in pursuant to the judgement of the Hon'ble Apex Court
next MACP will be equivalent to Grade Pay of Assistant Director. Consequently, it will be highly beneficial
for Junior Translators in pecuniary nature.
It is pertinent to mention here that this
process will not affect any seniority; the seniority of all translators will
remain same whatever is right now.
If aforesaid merger could not be feasible due
to any technical obstacle, in this case the post of Senior Translator may be
designated as Translator Officer and it should be upgraded as Group – B
(Gazetted) post in equivalent of the post of Section Officer (With 4800 GP). Since, in past, senior translator was
enjoying the pay scale of Section Officer. This disparity was raised only after
In this second scenario Junior Translator will
be equivalent of Assistant (CSS) and Senior Translator will be equivalent of Section
Officer (CSS).
To take a decision in aforesaid both situations
is not beyond the jurisdiction of 7th Pay Commission. But, unfortunately, present stakeholders of
any association are not doing and also not trying to do anything in this aspect
while the matter is already in their knowledge. It’s the call of time that we
should come together and must do all possible efforts in this aspect and all
responsible and relevant persons must furnish their strategy in this
regard. Now we are on doorstep where we
have to decide whether we would like to keep ourselves tight-lipped or demand
for that which is just, fair and reasonable. The associations must
also disclose their strategy, if any.
Lets' come together and raise the voice.
during 6th paycommission i represented the matter on the disparity on individual basis. no result. has come.
ReplyDeletebut during 6th cpc all should raise to the occasion both office other than csols offices in delhi and subordinate office jr and sr translators located all over india , use the blogs such as and rajbasha google groups to know the opinion and submit the representation on regional basis about the merger of scales of jr. and sr. translators . not only to remove the disparity in the scales of jhts of csols and subordinate offices. Every pay commission this problems persists, again we have to go to court. this should not continue. Inspite of supreme court orders , neithrer dept. of expenditure nor department of official language have taken any action rectify the anamoly in the payscales of jhts between csols and subordinate offices. an attempt is being made to exhaust the department channel inorder to file the court on group or individual basis , from department side no reply is given .hence we will be forced to approach cat
Naresh Ji,
DeleteConsequent upon the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission after 01.01.2006, all junior translators are getting their salary with a grade pay of 4200/-. Parity between the scales of CSOLS and Subordinate Offices has been provided by the Department of Official Language itself by issuing the Order dated 24.11.2008, and hence there is no disparity between the scales. If your department is still not answering, you should take the assistance of RTI and if you are circumstantially forced to file any case you must not only ask the fixation or parity but the interest on arrears also.
As far the merger of Senior and Junior is concerned, we have to work with a great force and you are right that we need to make each and every possible effort to achieve the success on regional basis also.
Your suggestions and advice are welcomed kindly share, if any.
Naresh Ji, Consequent upon the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission, the Department of Official Language has removed the disparity among the scale of CSOLS and Subordinate Offices, by virtue of O.M. dated 24.11.2008. And, if your department is still not answering your representation, you must approach the Court not only for fixation but for interest on arrears also and you may also seek the compensation of all legal expenses which occurred due to the negligence of your department.
DeleteAs far as the merger of Sr. and Jr. is concerned, you are apt that we need to do all possible tasks on regional basis also. We should share and reveal our strategy and raise the voice unanimously. If you would like to share your strategy and suggestions, you are always welcomed. Kindly share, if any.
Absolutely correct sir, We all must unite to fight for this right....
DeletePoint to be noted my lord.
ReplyDeleteThe merger of these two posts and their designation as Translation officer will be most appropriate for these posts. AS ln most of the subordinate offices the single post of jr. translator exists in the name of Rajbhasha posts who has to perfom all the respnsibilities pertaining to Rajbhasha implementation also in addition to translation work just ike an officer.But because he/she has not been designated as an officer, he/she and his/her work is not taken seriously and they are humiliated also sometimes saying that they behave like an officer though they are just translators. So the job requirements of this post as well requires the designation of an officer.This will also pacify and satisfy the huge group of those jr.Translators working in subordinate offices who have not got any promotion for 23 or 24 years due to being single rajbhasha post in their offices though they are extremely qualified and deserve please hurry up this Pay commission may certainly do this in our favour if we all unite and follow this aim seriously..This time we have to achieve this target at any cost...If we will not blow our own trumpet who else will..? So without wasting anymore time we should start working in this direction...
ReplyDeleteकैसा अनुवादक मंच है, चाहिए सबकुछ लेकिन लिखेंगे अंग्रेजी में ही। वाह भाई वाह। खुद सुधरे नहीं और दूसरों से उम्मीद करते हो कि हमें न्याय दो। अरे अनुवादक मंच के साथियों कृप्या अपना विचार हिंदी में तो प्रकट करो। अगर अंग्रेजी के दुमछल्ले हो तो हिंदी का हक क्यों माँग रहे हो.
ReplyDeleteA very good move..Its high time the services of the Hindi section is recognized...the staff of the hindi section are recognized only during the Hindi day celebrations..otherwise the work as well as the staff are ridiculed..I also suggest that hindi section should be given independent charge and reporting to Day Director/Director/PDA or whosoever is the Head of office...that way some respectability could e brought to our home as
ReplyDeleteमाधवी जी नेठी क लिखा है किक कनिष्ठ अनुवादक व वरिष्ठअनुवादकों के लिए अनुवादक के स्थाप पर कर्मचारियों की संख्या में ध्यान न रखते हुए केवल अनुवाद अधिकारी का पद नाम रखा जाए ।
ReplyDeleteसादर सहित
डा विजय शर्मा
माधवी जी नेठी क लिखा है किक कनिष्ठ अनुवादक व वरिष्ठअनुवादकों के लिए अनुवादक के स्थाप पर कर्मचारियों की संख्या में ध्यान न रखते हुए केवल अनुवाद अधिकारी का पद नाम रखा जाए ।
ReplyDeleteसादर सहित
डा विजय शर्मा
sir, i'm serving IA&AD as Jr. Hindi Translator. in Principal Director of Audit, Bilaspur sir i would like ti bring one thing in your notice that in our department an y newly recruited Auditor can be promoted to Sr. Auditor after three years service.but there is no provision as such in case of Jr. Hindi Translator. i want to know that why is it so...?
ReplyDeleteDear Ashis Kr, Jain ji in a reply to rti IA&AD has provided that after three years of regular service in panel year i.e. on 01 Jan jr. Translators will be promoted as Sr. translator and hence one of my friends working in P.A.G. (A&E) has been promoted as Sr. Translator after three years of service.
ReplyDeleteSir, same case is in EPFO, joining as SSA in 2400 GP and automatically financial up gradation to 2800 GP and also possible 4200 at some technically procedures. But why there is no such financial up gradation in case of JHT's. Officers also given next GP i.e. 6600 after 4-5 years. This this we should brought to the notice of Sh. Modi Ji and his cabinet.
ReplyDeleteAs per OM No. 1/1/2008-ic dated 24 feb 2008 in old scale starting of JHT was 6500/- and as per 1.86 factor starting basic pay of JHT should be 12090/- instead of 9300/-.
ReplyDeleteकाम एक पैसे का नहीं और सैलरी चाहिए लाखों में शर्म करों
ReplyDeletepmk prasad, coal mines provident fund organisation : Sir, it is good hike to the translators. Hope govt take good decision in this regard of merging jht and sht's. With lots of hope. PMK Prasad,
ReplyDeleteTo The Incharge / Members of Anuvadak Munch - Requesting all that in my department, aaj tak the older order of 5500 pay has not implemented. Still we all together fowarding requests since three years. So many reminders have sent, but invain. So kindly advise me whether CMPF Dept. which is autonomous body can grant Rs. 5500 pay scale to us, as at present we are drawing Rs. 5000 scale. We all appointed during 2006. I shall ever grateful, if you give ur valuable suggestions in this regard with proof of judgments or documents orders. Tks and anxiously awaiting ur reply.
ReplyDeleteTo The Incharge / Members of Anuvadak Munch - Requesting all that in my department, aaj tak the older order of 5500 pay has not implemented. Still we all together fowarding requests since three years. So many reminders have sent, but invain. So kindly advise me whether CMPF Dept. which is autonomous body can grant Rs. 5500 pay scale to us, as at present we are drawing Rs. 5000 scale. We all appointed during 2006. I shall ever grateful, if you give ur valuable suggestions in this regard with proof of judgments or documents orders. Tks and anxiously awaiting ur reply.
ReplyDeletepmk prasad, coal mines provident fund organisation : Sir, it is good hike to the translators. Hope govt take good decision in this regard of merging jht and sht's. With lots of hope. PMK Prasad,
ReplyDeleteप्रिय प्यारे दोस्तों इस मुद्दे पर संघ के माध्यम से मंत्रालय के ध्यान में लाना जरूरी है । यह तो बहुत अच्छा विचार है और यह सरकार को सूचित करने ह्तु समय आ गया है जी । वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट को अंतिम से पहले ही सरकार को प्रस्ताव एसोसिएशन के माध्यम भेजना अनिवार्य है । कृपया यह कार्य तुरन्त देखा जाए ।
ReplyDeleteप्रिय प्यारे दोस्तों इस मुद्दे पर संघ के माध्यम से मंत्रालय के ध्यान में लाना जरूरी है । यह तो बहुत अच्छा विचार है और यह सरकार को सूचित करने ह्तु समय आ गया है जी । वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट को अंतिम से पहले ही सरकार को प्रस्ताव एसोसिएशन के माध्यम भेजना अनिवार्य है । कृपया यह कार्य तुरन्त देखा जाए ।