Wednesday 21 August 2024

कार्यकारिणी की 8वीं बैठक संपन्‍न, संवर्ग से जुड़े मुद्दों की समीक्षा की गई

केंद्रीय सचिवालय राजभाषा सेवा अनुवाद अधिकारी एसोसिएशन की 8वीं बैठक दिनांक 13 अगस्‍त, 2024 को संपन्‍न हुई। इस बैठक में निम्‍नलिखित विषयों पर विस्‍तार से चर्चा की गई और भावी कार्ययोजना की रूपरेखा तय की गई।


कार्यकारिणी की बैठक में भाग लेने वाले पदाधिकारी एवं सदस्‍य

1. वर्ष 2024 के सहायक निदेशकों की डीपीसी की स्थिति

महासचिव श्री सुनील चौरसिया ने सदस्‍यों को सूचित किया कि कुछ समय पूर्व सहायक निदेशक से उप निदेशक ग्रेड में कुल 7 पदोन्‍नतियों के कारण वर्ष 2024 में पदोन्‍नति श्रेणी में सहायक निदेशक की कुल 5  रिक्तियां बढ़ जाने के कारण इन्‍हें भी पदोन्‍नति के लिए शामिल कर लिया गया है। विचारक्षेत्र में  3 और वरिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारियों को शामिल करने और उनके दस्‍तावेज मंगाने की प्रक्रिया पूर्ण हो चुकी है। परंतु अब पुन: यूपीएससी द्वारा एक बार फिर कुछ और अनुवाद अधिकारियों के दस्‍तावेजों की मांग की गई है। इस प्रकार यूपीएससी द्वारा बार-बार दस्‍तावेजों की मांग करने से मामले में विलंब हो रहा है। इस वर्ष लगभग 38 वरिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारी सहायक निदेशक के रूप में पदोन्‍नत होंगे। 

 2. सहायक निदेशक के सीधी भर्ती के रिक्‍त 78 पदों को पदोन्‍नति के माध्‍यम से भरा जाना : अध्‍यक्ष, श्री सौरभ आर्य ने सदस्‍यों को अवगत कराया कि इस समय संवर्ग में सहायक निदेशक के सीधी भर्ती के कुल 78 पद रिक्‍त पड़े हैं जोकि वर्ष 2015 के बाद के विभिन्‍न वर्षों के दौरान सृजित हुए हैं। सहायक निदेशक का पद इस संवर्ग की रीढ़ की हड्डी है। इस स्थिति में संवर्ग के सहायक निदेशक और कनिष्‍ठ एवं वरिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारी भारी दबाव में कार्य कर  रहे हैं। एसोसिएशन ने इन पदों को पदोन्‍नति के माध्‍यम से भरने के लिए डीओपीटी से वन टाइम रिलेक्‍सेशन मांगने के लिए दिनांक 08 अगस्‍त, 2024 को एक अभ्‍यावेदन दिया है। एसोसिएशन का मानना है कि इन 78 पदों में से केवल कुछ पदों के लिए छूट मांगे जाने से समस्‍या का समाधान नहीं होगा और इन 78 पदों में से सीधी भर्ती का कोई भी प्रयास नए विवादों को ही जन्‍म देगा और यह समस्‍या कभी नहीं सुलझ पाएगी। अतएव, एसोसिएशन ने विभाग से आग्रह किया है कि इन समस्‍त 78 पदों के संबंध में एक बारगी छूट के लिए प्रस्‍ताव आगे बढ़ाया जाए।

इसके साथ ही भविष्य के लिए भर्ती नियमों में संशोधन करने के दिनांक 21.03.2024 अनुरोध को भी दोहराया है। साथ ही एसोसिएशन ने विभिन्‍न तथ्‍यों के माध्‍यम से यह भी रेखांकित किया है कि सीधी भर्ती के माध्‍यम से आने वाले सहायक निदेशक किसी भी प्रकार से संवर्ग के लिए उपयुक्‍त नहीं होंगे और न ही वे ऐसी कोई योग्‍यता रखेंगे जो संवर्ग के वरिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारियों को पास न हो। 

3. ऑनलाइन अपार प्रणाली की स्थिति: ऑनलाइन एपीएआर प्रणाली इस एसोसिएशन का पहले दिन से ही ध्‍येय रहा है। इस संबंध में एसोसिएशन ने पहली ही बैठक में आदरणीय सचिव महोदया के समक्ष इस संबंध में अनुरोध किया था। हर्ष का विषय है कि विभाग ने अपने स्‍तर पर इस परियोजना के लिए भारी-भरकम बजट स्‍वीकृत कर दिया है और हम आशा करते हैं कि विभिन्‍न औपचारिकताओं को पूरा करने के उपरांत यह परियोजना लागू हो जाएगी और सवंर्ग के सभी अधिकारी अगले वर्ष अपनी एपीएआर ऑनलाइन प्रणाली में भर पाएंगे। इससे एपीएआर के गुम होने, विभाग तक समय पर न पहुंचने, वरिष्‍ठ अधिकारियों द्वारा समय पर एपीएआर न लिखने जैसी समस्‍याएं हमेशा के लिए समाप्‍त हो जाएंगी।  इस प्रणाली के लागू होने के उपरांत डीपीसी के समय दस्‍तावेजों को एकत्र करने में लगने वाले अनावश्‍यक समय की भी बचत हो सकेगी।  

4. एसोसिएशन के पंजीकरण की स्थिति: एसोसिएशन संगठन का पंजीकरण कराने के लिए दृढ़ संकल्पित है। इस संबंध में दिनांक 04 जून को साकेत कोर्ट में आवेदन कर दिया गया था। तदुपरांत संबंधित कार्यालय द्वारा आगामी औपचारिकताओंं के लिए विभिन्‍न विभागों को पत्र लिख दिए गए हैं। आशा है कि शीघ्र ही पंजीकरण संबंधी समस्‍त औपचारिकताएं पूर्ण हो जाएंगी और हमारा संगठन पंजीकृत हो जाएगा। 

5. पदोन्‍नति पूर्व प्रशिक्षण: पदोन्‍नति पूर्व प्रशिक्षणों को समय से आयोजित करने के संबंध में एसोसिएशन विभाग के अधिकारियों के निकट संपर्क में रहकर समय-समय पर स्‍मरण कराती रहती है। हम विभाग के अधिकारियों के आभारी हैं कि वे भी इस संबंध में सजगता से आगे बढ़ते हुए प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम आयोजित कर रहे हैं। आगामी प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में 29 सहायक निदेशकों तथा 4 कनिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारियों को शामिल किया गया है। इसके उपरांत वरिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारियों का भी प्रशिक्षण आयोजित किया जाएगा। 

6. ग्रेड वेतन संबंधी मामले की स्थिति: जैसा कि आप सभी को विदित है कि इस समय हमारे संवर्ग की एक साथी सुश्री बीनू के. बी. का ग्रेड वेतन संबंधी मामला एर्नाकुलम कैट में विचाराधीन है। इस मामले में विगत 5 अगस्‍त को सुनवाई हुई थी और मामले में 11 नवंबर को अंतिम निर्णय के लिए तारीख निश्चित की गई है। उधर कुछ और मामले देश के उच्‍च न्‍यायालयों में विचाराधीन हैं जिनके निर्णय के आलोक में एसोसिशन द्वारा कोई भी सुविचारित कदम उठाया जाएगा। 

7. वर्ष 2022 के कनिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारियों का  नियमितीकरण: वर्तमान में वर्ष 2019 के कुछ कनिष्‍ठ अधिकारियों का नियमितिकरण का मामला विभाग में विचाराधीन है। एसोसिएशन ने 2022 बैच के शीघ्र नियमितीकरण के संबंध में विभाग से अनुरोध किया है। कुछ ही समय में वर्ष 2022 के कनिष्‍ठ अनुवाद अधिकारियों के नियमितीकरण की प्रक्रिया शुरू की जाएगी। 

इस बैठक में निम्‍नलिखित पदाधिकारियों एवं सदस्‍यों ने भाग लिया : 

1. श्री सौरभ आर्य, अध्‍यक्ष

2. श्रीमती विशाखा बिष्‍ट, उपाध्‍यक्ष

3. श्री विमल सिंह, उपाध्‍यक्ष

4. श्री सुनील चौरसिया, महासचिव 

5. श्री अतुल कुमार तिवारी, संयुक्‍त सचिव 

6. श्री मुकेश कुमार सिन्‍हा, सदस्‍य 

7. श्रीमती जोनिता बाली, सदस्‍य 

8. श्री धर्मवीर, सदस्‍य

9. श्रीमती आशा, सदस्‍य

10. श्रीमती कल्‍पना सिंह, सदस्‍य

11. श्री निशांत शर्मा, सदस्‍य 

12. श्रीमती मोनिका, सदस्‍य

13. श्री अंचल रूहेला, सदस्‍य

Friday 15 March 2024

एसोसिएशन के बाई लॉज सभी हितधारकों के अवलोकनार्थ प्रस्‍तुत

प्रिय साथियो,

एसोसिएशन संगठन के पंजीकरण के लिए प्रयासरत है। इस दिशा में संबंधित रजिस्‍ट्रार कार्यालय द्वारा एसोसिएशन से बाई लॉज और मेमोरंडम ऑफ एसोसिएशन की मांग की गई है। उल्‍लेखनीय है कि पूर्व एसोसिएशन से हमें केवल संविधान प्राप्‍त हुआ था जिसे विगत आम सभा की बैठक में कुछ संशोधनों के उपरांत नए सिरे से पारित किया गया।

इस उद्देश्‍य के लिए एसोसिएशन ने अन्‍य संगठनों के बाई लॉज को आधार के रूप में रखकर उनमें अपने संवर्ग के हित में कतिपय संशोधन किए हैं। ये वास्‍तव में पूर्व में आम सभा द्वारा पारित हमारे संविधान के प्रावधानों का ही विस्‍तार हैं। पंजीकरण की आवश्‍यकताओं के अुनसार बाई लॉज का भी आम सभा से अनुमोदन अपेक्षित है। चूंकि आसन्‍न चुनावों के कारण कुछ समय आम सभा की बैठक संभव नहीं है इसलिए कार्यकारिणी ने निर्णय लिया है कि इन नियमों को सभी स्‍टेकहोल्‍डर्स के अवलोकन के लिए सार्वजनिक कर टिप्‍पणियां आमंत्रित कर ली जाएं। दूसरे आम सभा की बैठक में सभी लोग भाग नहीं ले पाते हैं इसलिए बेहतर है कि सार्वजनिक मंच पर मसौदा उपलब्‍ध कराकर हितधारकों की राय जान ली जाए। इसी क्रम में कार्यकारिणी की दिनांक 14 मार्च, 24 को संपन्‍न असाधारण बैठक में कार्यकारिणी ने अपने स्‍तर पर इनका अनुमोदन कर दिया है।

आप सभी अनुवाद अधिकारी आम सभा के सदस्‍य हैं और स्‍टेकहोल्‍डर्स हैं। अतएव, आप सभी से अनुरोध है कि एसोसिएशन के ब्‍लॉग पर उपलब्‍ध संविधान के आलोक में बाई लॉज और मेमोरंडम ऑफ एसोसिएशन का अध्‍ययन करें और 7 दिनों के अंदर अपनी प्रतिक्रिया से, यदि कोई हो, एसोसिएशन को ब्‍लॅाग पर अथवा ई मेल ( के माध्‍यम से अवगत कराने का कष्‍ट करें। 7 दिनों के उपरांत इन्‍हें आम सभा से अनुमोदित माना जाएगा। तत्‍पश्‍चात एसोसिएशन के पंजीकरण के कार्य को गति प्रदान की जा सकेगी। अनुमोदित संविधान तथा बाई लॉज का मसौदा आप सभी के अवलोकनार्थ प्रस्तुत हैं: 





1.      NAME:

The Association shall be called              “Central Secretariat Official language      Service Translation Officers Association”.


The Headquarter of the Association shall be at New Delhi. The address of the President of the Association shall be the address of the Association or as decided by Executive Committee under intimation to General Body.


  The objectives of the Association are: -

(a)   to foster espirit de corps among its members;

(b)  to safeguard and promote common interests of its members in service matters by constitutional means;

(c)   to collaborate with the prior approval of the Government with other service Associations on the matters affecting the interests of the Civil Servants under the Union Government, and

(d)    to engage in all activities conducive to the welfare of its members.


The membership of the Association shall be open to all Junior and Senior Translation Officers of the Central Secretariat Official Language Service. The Association shall maintain a register of its members along with details pertaining to their Designations and Place of Posting etc.


All members shall pay an yearly subscription of Rs. 600/- as Annual subscription (Rs. 50 per Month) and Rs. 20/- as enrollment fees (One Time). The subscription shall be payable in advance in January every year. The annual subscription of Rs. 600/- may be deducted from the salary of January every year by the DDO of the respective Ministry/Dept. of the concerned member which shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Association. The working committee under intimation to General Body shall be empowered to raise funds as and    when necessary from members and by such means as may be acceptable to the members.


  The official year shall be the Calendar year.


The business of the Association shall be conducted by Working Committee consisting of one President, two Vice - Presidents, one General Secretary, two Joint Secretaries, one Treasurer and fifteen members elected from amongst all the eligible members of the Association at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Association called for the purpose. The Working Committee shall have powers to co-opt only two members as and when necessary.


Except as otherwise provided in these rules, the Working Committee shall normally hold office for a period of Three Years or till such time as a new Committee is elected. Vacancies arising during the terms of the Committee shall be filled by the Working Committee itself.


The Working Committee shall meet as and when necessary, but at least once in three months. Two-third members of the working committee shall form a quorum.


  The functions of the Working Committee shall be: -

a)      to consider and take appropriate action on all matters affecting the service interests of the members of the Association whose views the Committee may ascertain, when necessary, ether in a meeting or through a Circular addressed to them;

b)     to arrange for the collection of subscription from the members to incur expenditure in pursuance and furtherance of the objectives of the Association and to maintain proper accounts of the funds of the Association. In doing so, the Committee may get the assistance of the Sub- Committee, the convener of which will be the Treasurer;

c)      to prepare every year a report of the activities of the Association and a statement of audited accounts of the Association and circulate them to  all members for consideration at the Annual General Body Meeting;

d)     a list of members and office bearers, an up-to-date copy of the rules and an audited statement of accounts of the Association shall be furnished to the Government annually through proper channel after the annual general meeting so as to reach the Government before the 1st day of July each year.


The Annual meetings of the General Body shall be held not later than  the 31st January, each year:

a.       to consider the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts of the previous year;

b.      to elect the Auditor for the next year;


c.       to transact any other business placed on the agenda by the Working Committee or by any member of the Association for which due notice shall be given under these rules.


An extraordinary meeting of the General Body can be convened at any time: -

a.   if considered necessary by the Working Committee; or


b.    on receiving a written request made by not less than two-third of the total membership of the Association within 20 days of the receipt of such  notice by the President/General Secretary. Such an extraordinary meeting can be convened in online mode too and decisions may be taken through online poll on issues by giving at least 48 hours to cast vote on issue.


A notice of 20 days shall be given to members for carrying any meeting of the General Body. The notice shall also specify the date by which the members shall intimate in writing to the General Secretary the resolutions which they wish to be placed on the agenda for the meeting. The agenda and papers for the meeting will be circulated to all members at least seven days before the meeting.


A notice of 10 days to be counted from the date of issue of the notice shall be given to members for any extraordinary meeting of the General Body.


The quorum for all General Body meetings shall be one-third of the total membership of the Association. Where a meeting of the General Body hereafter giving due notice is adjourned for want of quorum, a quorum shall              not be necessary for the adjourned meeting.


Any amendment of a substantial character in the rules of the Association shall be made with the previous approval of the Government and other amendment of minor importance shall be carried out after they have been approved at a meeting of the General Body by a majority of two- third of the live members of the Association.


a.       A Returning Officer shall be appointed to conduct the election:

b.      The election of office bearers at the annual meeting of the General Body shall be by show of hands unless a majority of the members convey their desire in writing to the General Secretary of having ballot. Where it has been decided to conduct election by means of ballots the Returning Officer shall be responsible for holding    election by ballots and preserving the secrecy of the ballots.


The President

            The President of the Association shall preside over all the meetings of the Association and shall cause the conduction of business of the General Body/Working Committee. He will look after the organizational work.

The Vice-Presidents

The Vice-Presidents, inter-se seniority being decided by age, shall perform all duties & functions assigned to the President in his absence.

General Secretary

The General Secretary shall be the main Executive of the Association and shall ordinarily sign all day to day correspondence and carry all business on behalf of the Association. All communications or documents of important nature like deeds, agreements and contracts entered into on behalf of the Association shall, however, bear the signature of the President in addition to that of the General Secretary. The General Secretary will be assisted in his work by the Joint Secretaries.

Joint Secretaries

The Joint Secretaries, inter-se seniority being decided by age, will assist the General Secretary in performance of his duties and shall perform all duties and functions assigned to General Secretary in his absence.

 The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the funds of the Association. He shall make financial transaction with prior knowledge of the General Secretary. The Treasurer shall cause payment of an amount not exceeding Rs. 5000/- at a time with prior approval of the General Secretary. The Treasurer shall receive all money against signature from the members on behalf of the Association and shall also make payments on its behalf with prior approval of the General Secretary. Payments exceeding this amount shall be authorised by the Working Committee.

Funds of the Association

The Funds of the Association shall consist exclusively of subscriptions from members and grants, if any, made by the Government and shall be applied only for the furtherance of the objectives of the Association. The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a Bank and be operated upon under the Joint Signature of the General Secretary and the Treasurer.


(a)  Any member who ceases to be a member of Central Secretariat Official Language (Group-B posts) Service; or changes his/her affiliation to any other Association of Translation Officers of this service.

(b)  Any member found guilty of working against the specified airs and objectives of the Association and procedure for ousting and;

(c)   Any member who has defaulted in depositing his/her contribution by the due date shall be disqualified for the membership of the Association.

Some Dont's

(a)   The Association shall not espouse or support the cause of any individual Government servant relating to service matters;

(b)  The Association shall not maintain any political fund or lend itself in the propagation of the views of any political party or politician;

(c)   All representations by the Association shall be submitted through proper channel, and shall, as a normal practice be addressed to the Secretary or Head of the Department of the Dept. of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India;

(d)  The previous permission of the Government shall be taken before the Association seeks affiliation with any other union, Service Association or Federation;

(e)   The service Association shall cease to be affiliated to a Federation or Confederation of service Association whose recognition under these rules is withdrawn by the Government;

(f)    The Association shall not start or publish any periodical magazine or bulletin without the previous approval of the Government;

(g)  The Association shall cease to publish any periodical magazine or bulletin, if directed by the Government to do so on the ground that the publication thereof is prejudicial to the interests of the Central Government, the Government of any State or any Government authority or to good relations between Government servants and the Government or any Government Authority;

(h)  The Association shall not address any communication to a foreign authority except through the Government which shall have the right to withhold it;

(i)    The service Association shall not do any act or assist in the doing of any act which, if done by a Government servant would contravene any of the provisions of the Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1955; and

(j)    Communications addressed by the Association or by any office bearer on its behalf to the Government or a Government authority shall not contain any disrespectful or improper or unparliamentary language.


The General Body shall decide by two-third majority of votes in a meeting specifically called for the purpose, for dissolution of the Association. The assets & liabilities of the Association shall remain the responsibility of such members as were on roll prior to the passing of the Resolution regarding dissolution of the Association.




1.         NAME AND HEADQUARTERS: The Association shall be called “The Central Secretariat Official Language Service Translation Officers Association” (in short CSOLSTOA) and its headquarters shall be at New Delhi. The address for communication would be as decided by the Executive Body or the office address of the President of the Association.

2.         MEMBERSHIP: All officers recruited to Junior Translation Officer’s Grade and promoted to Senior Translation Officer’s Grade may opt for the membership of the CSOLSTOA on payment of one-time Registration Fee and Annual Fee as decided from time to time by the Executive Body for induction as primary members. There shall be provision of Co-opted/Associate members in the Executive Committee with or without voting rights and the Co-opted/Associate members would be from above mentioned grades. Membership Fee and voting rights for such Co-opted members would be decided from time to time by the Executive Body. After due payment of one time Registration Fee and Annual Fee as decided from time to time by the Executive Body, a list of members would be maintained by the Treasurer. Termination of membership of any member of the CSOLSTOA with ¾ majority of Executive Body may be considered subject to condition that the reasons are recorded in writing.   

3.         SUBSCRIPTION OR MEMBERSHIP FEE: Onetime Registration fee amount would be Rs.20/- for induction as primary members of the General Body of the CSOLSTOA and Annual Membership Fee would be Rs. 600/- (Rs. 50 / month). The amount of Registration and Annual Membership fees may vary as decided by Executive Body from time to time.

4.         TERMINATION: The Executive Body may terminate or expel any member from the Association on the following grounds:

4.1    On death or resignation from the CSOLS or the association, absorption in another service.

4.2    If any member works against the aims and objects of the Association.

4.3    If any member of the CSOLSTOA does not pay the Annual Membership Fee for any reasons, his membership would be kept in suspended animation without voting rights for a period as decided by the Executive Body. However, on payment of arrears and late fee, as prescribed, the Executive Body may restore his/her right to become active member of the CSOLSTOA.

5.         APPEALS: Every such expelled member shall have right to submit an appeal to the Executive Body of the Association, and decision taken by the Executive Body on such appeals shall be final. However, reasons of rejection shall be communicated to the person concerned.

6.         RE-ADMISSION: Any expelled/terminated member shall be re-admitted by the Executive Body, only on payment of all pending dues up to date and on abiding by the decision of the Executive Body, which would be final.


7.1      Each member shall have one vote at every meeting and no proxy voting shall be allowed (If agreed upon, the means of communication for voting through e-mails may be accepted). For soliciting views on certain issues, electronic means may be allowed in the discretion of the Executive Body before going for voting. However, for election of the Executive Body presence of the members for voting may be required.

7.2      All members shall have right to inspect the book of the accounts, book containing minutes of proceedings of General Body meetings as well as other meetings and a list of members on any working day during business hours by giving prior notice of three working days.

7.3      Rules and Regulations and/or bye-laws and decisions taken in the General Body or by the elected members of the Executive Body shall be binding on all the members.

7.4      Each member shall strive towards betterment and improvement in the functioning of the Association and shall not create problems with any uncivil behavior or unsavory remarks or uncalled for provocation / communications as that would be construed an act against the basic objectives of the Association. All the Members of the Executive Body, being honorary and having volunteered for the betterment of the CSOLS members, all the communications within the limitations of official etiquette shall be acceptable. Agreement or disagreement on certain issue shall be arrived at with the consensus of majority with the avowed objective that the Association shall function within its limitations striving towards betterment of the CSOLS society in holistic manner.

7.5      Without any prejudice, the past issues i.e. prior to constitution of the Association as well as the issues which are limited to some interest group(s) or which would create disturbance in the functioning of the Association or which are sub-judice, shall not be raked up by the Association. However, in furtherance of the larger cause having a bearing on the CSOLS as a whole, such of the issues as would be mutually agreed upon by the Executive Body could be taken up by Association and the members shall be duty bound to render all the assistance in a concerted manner discarding all self-centric approach.


8.1       GENERAL BODY MEETING: There shall be a General Body of the Association consisting of all the members who are members as on 1st January of every year after payment of due fees. The quorum of all the General Body meeting shall be 1/3rd of the total membership. The Annual Meeting of the General Body shall be held in the month of January every year with 1/3rd quorum. No quorum shall be required in the adjourned meeting.

A notice of 20 days shall be given to members for carrying any meeting of the General Body. The notice shall also specify the date by which the members shall intimate in writing to the General Secretary the resolutions which they wish to be placed on the agenda for the meeting. The agenda and papers for the meeting will be circulated to all members at least seven days before the meeting.

The following business may be transacted in these meetings:

(i) to prepare annual programs and policies;

(ii) to discuss and to decide all such matters and issues which are directly or indirectly related to the affairs of the Association;

(iii) to consider and pass Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts of the previous calendar year of the Association;

(iv) to appoint an auditor for conducting annual audit of the Association; and (v) to consider any other business brought forward by the Executive Body.

An Extraordinary Meeting of the General Body can be convened: -

a.    if considered necessary by the working committee; or

b.    on receiving a written request made by not less than 2/3rd of the total membership of the association within 20 days of the receipt of the such notice by the President/General Secretary.

c.     Such an extra ordinary meeting can be convened through online mode also and decisions may be taken by circulating agenda note in advance and inviting comments of stakeholders on the issue by giving 10 days’ time

d.    In special circumstances, when a meeting of General Body is not possible in near future and a decision of Executive Committee requires approval of General Body then it can be done by placing the issue before stakeholders through social media platforms of Association esp. Whatsapp Group and Blog and comments of stakeholders may be invited by giving at least 7 days’ time. Then after consideration in Executive Committee on suggestions/comments received from members, if any, decision may be treated as passed by GBM. If there is a wide difference of opinion among members then a decision may be taken through online poll by giving at least 48 hours to cast vote on the issue.  


8.2.1    The business of the CSOLSTOA shall be conducted by the Executive Body consisting of President, Vice-President(s), General Secretary, Joint Secretaries, and Treasurer and all the members. All the business of the Association shall be conducted in the name of the President of the CSOLSTOA and General Secretary would be the de facto Convener unless any other member is so authorised by the President. The elected or nominated members may be entrusted with the specific work by the General Secretary with the consent of the President or the Executive Body. All the communications on behalf of the CSOLSTOA would be signed by General Secretary and/or President or as decided by the Executive Body.

8.2.2    The meetings of the Executive Body shall be held on need basis. However, there should be at least one meeting in every three months’ period with 2//3rd quorum of the elected and nominated members. The Executive Body would be empowered to take a decision on the manner and place of the meetings to be conducted. The on-line presence may also be acceded to as per the request and convenience of the members. Ordinarily, following business, in addition to the specific issues as decided, may be taken up for transaction in these meetings:


(a) To chalk out strategies and precise action plan for execution of programmes with a timeline;

(b) To take necessary steps for the implementation of all the programmes and policies drawn up by the General Body;

(c) To approve the necessary expenditure to meet the day to day requirements of the Association as also the emergent expenditure incurred, if any;

(d) To take decisions on application for membership, cancellation of membership, etc.;

(e) To appoint Committee for disposal of any business of the Association or for advice on any matter pertaining to the Association;

(f) To arrange finance if required from members for certain cause;

(g) To appoint, terminate and fix duties of any member;

(h) To receive, to have custody of and to expand the funds of the Association and manage the properties of the Association;

(i) To sue and defend all legal proceedings on behalf of the Association;

(f) To take decision on legal steps, which may appear beneficial for the smooth and better management of the Association and its members;

(j) To consider and take appropriate action on questions affecting the interest of members and promoting the objectives of the Association;

(k) To arrange for collection of subscription from members to incur expenditure in pursuance of the objectives of the Association and to maintain proper accounts of the funds of the Association; and

(l) To prepare every year a Report of the activities of the Association and a statement of audited accounts, for consideration in the Annual General Body Meeting.

8.2.3    The following will be the strength, mode of selection and structure of the Executive Body:

Sl. No.

Name of the Post


By way of






Vice President (s)




General Secretary




Joint Secretary(ies)







8.2.4    There shall be fifteen members nominated from amongst all the eligible members of the Association at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Association called for the purpose. The Executive Committee shall have powers to co-opt only two members as and when necessary. Vacancies arising during the terms of the Committee shall be filled by the Executive Committee itself.

9.2.5    At the time of registration of the CSOLSTOA under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860, the members of the Executive Body would be inducted by unanimous choice of all the primary members or by election. The tenure of the Executive Body so formed would be normally for a period not beyond three years or till such time as a new Committee is elected, whichever is later.

9.2.6    The Executive Body may form Sub-Committee for specific purpose(s) out of the members of the Executive Body and associating other members of the Association on need basis from time to time.

9.2.7    All the members in the Executive Body are volunteers and official etiquette of the Govt. hierarchy has to be maintained for the sake of functioning and collective decision making process and follow up.

10.       POWERS & DUTIES OF THE OFFICE BEARERS: The powers and duties delegated to the office bearers envisage that the aims and objectives can be achieved through the various activities of the Executive Body and the success of the Executive Body lies in the functioning as a single unit for the aims and objectives as well as carrying out the annual programmes and activities as charted out in the General Body. In emergent situations, some additional duties can be entrusted to anybody by the Executive Body. However, for the smooth functioning of the Executive Body, the powers, duties and responsibilities of the office bearers are broadly indicated below: 

10.1     President:  He/she shall preside over all the meetings of the General Body and the Governing Body. In case of equality of votes in any meetings, he/she shall tender his/her casting vote. He/she supervise/monitor the work of office bearers from time to time. All the business would be conducted in the name of the President of the CSOLSTOA and General Secretary would be the de facto Convener for such purposes in all matters of the Association unless any other member is so authorised by the President.

10.2     Vice Presidents: In the absence of the President, the senior-most Vice-President in the hierarchy in the CSOLS shall enjoy all powers and duties which are entrusted to the President. He/she shall also assist to the President from time to time.

10.3     General Secretary: The General Secretary shall:

 (i) convene the meetings of the Executive Body and the General Body;

(ii) prepare the agenda and circulate the same to the members; and

(iii) keep minutes of the meetings of the General Body and the Executive Body.

The General Secretary may be authorized to sign all letters on behalf of the Association and receive all letters and communications addressed to the Association. He will be assisted in his duties by the Joint Secretaries and other members. In his absence the President may sign the letter or any other member so authorised may sign and issue the communications on behalf of the CSOLSTOA.

10.4     Joint Secretaries: In the absence of the General Secretary, the senior-most Joint Secretary in the hierarchy in the CSOLS may be entrusted with all powers and duties which are entrusted to the General Secretary. They would work along with the General Secretary as per the work entrusted to them.

10.5     Treasurer: He/she shall maintain records of subscription, gifts, grants-in-aid and donations from the members and prepare statement of accounts of the Association, budget etc., which would be put up to Auditor and thereafter passed by General Body. He may withdraw money from the bank account under joint signatures of the General Secretary for the work as decided by the Executive Body from time to time.

10.6     Co-Treasurers:  They will assist Treasure in disposing of various works entrusted to him.


11.1  Only members of the Central Secretariat Official Language Service (CSOLS) who have been regular members of the CSOLSTOA and no dues pending for the last three years shall be eligible for holding the posts as office bearers.

11.2  The term for all office bearers shall be three years.

11.3  Election of the office bearers shall be done through unanimous choice at the GBM or by Elections.

11.4  The members of the association who have paid annual subscription upto the year in which elections are to be held shall constitute electorate. The Electorate list would be considered final as on date decided by GBM held for the purpose.

11.5  In case of election, a returning officer would be nominated by the Executive Body and Treasurer would submit the updated list of the members as on date decided by the GBM.

11.6  In case of election, the office bearers shall be elected through a secret ballot.  

11.7  The elections of the new Office Bearers may normally be completed before the expiry of the term of the office bearers in position to enable the office bearers elected to assume office following the elections.

11.8  Vacancies arising during the currency of the term of the team of the office bearers shall be filled up by nomination by the Executive Body with simple majority. However, if more than 50% of the members of the elected Executive Body resigns or leaves the responsibility entrusted upon, there would be a fresh election of the Executive Body. However term of such nominated office bearers should be co-terminus with the term of other office bearers elected.

12.       AIMS AND OBJECTS: The aims and objects of the CSOLSTOA shall be as per the Memorandum of the Association.

14.       MEANS OF COMMUNICATIONS: The communication to the members of the General Body, all electronic means of communication would be adopted, which may include Blog Post, e-mails, SMSs etc or through social media handles of Association. There shall be a BLOG of the Association for dissemination of information, which would depict the developments and activities of the CSOLSTOA. Views/comments of the members of General Body on the decisions or developments or activities/programmes would be solicited or communicated to the members through BLOG and social media so as to save time and energy instead of calling of General Body meetings time and again. In place of person to person contact, the meeting notice would be sent through Blog/Whatsapp or social media handles from time to time. The Notices for meetings would be displayed outside at the office of Association and outside the offices of its office bearers. It is, therefore, always expected of all the members of the General Body to visit the BLOG of the CSOLSTOA time to time. For large gatherings other means also could be used, which may include posters, pamphlets etc. 


15.1  The Funds of the Association shall consist exclusively of subscriptions from  members and grants, if any, made by the Government and shall be applied only for the furtherance of the objectives of the Association.

15.2  The Treasurer shall receive all money under proper receipt and make all payments including emergent expenditure on behalf of the Association. The Treasurer will be empowered to incur expenditure on behalf of the Association to a maximum of Rs. 5000/- (five thousand) on each occasion/account with the prior permission of the General Secretary.

15.3  Other expenditure more than Rs. 5000/- shall be authorized by the Executive Body.

15.4  The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a scheduled bank and be operated upon under the joint signatures of the General Secretary and the Treasurer nominated for the purpose of operating the account.

15.5  For the purposes of the accounting, the accounting year of the Association will be the calendar year i.e. 1st Jan to 31st December of every year.

15.6  The accounts of the Association shall be audited every year and the Auditor will be appointed by the Executive Body.

15.7  The CSOLSTOA shall not maintain any political fund or lend itself to the propagation of the views of any political party or a member of such party.

16.   ANNUAL LIST OF EXECUTIVE BODY (Section 4 of the Act): Once in the month of January every year a list of the office bearers and members of the Executive Body of the Association shall be filed as required under Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

17.       LEGAL PROCEEDINGS (Section 6 of the Act): The Association may sue or be sued in the name of the President/General Secretary as per provision laid down under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.


18.1  Any amendment in the Memorandum of Association or Rules will be carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down under Section 12 and 12A of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

18.2  The Executive Body shall have full rights and powers to make further bye laws, guidelines, instructions etc. for specific purposes.

18.3  The Executive Body shall have full rights and powers in interpreting the provisions of this Constitution. It shall have full powers also to frame by-laws wherever necessary in consistent with the provisions of this Constitution setting down detailed procedures under each Articles of the Constitution. However, the changes in the bye laws etc. would be intimated to the members from time to time. The members would have right to oppose the changes within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the e-mail/display on Association’s official Blog.

18.4  No amendment to the Constitution shall be made unless it has been approved by the General Body by a majority of 2/3rd of the members present in the General Body meeting.

19.       DISSOLUTION AND ADJUSTMENT OF AFFAIRS (Section 13 & 14 of the Act): If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association, the remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property what so ever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having objects similar in the objects of the Association. The provisions of Sections 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act 1860 shall so far as applicable would be complied with.

20.       APPLICATION OF THE ACT: All the provisions under all the Sections of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 will be applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.

21.       ESSENTIAL CERTIFICATE: It is certified that this is the correct and true copy of the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the instant Association.



General Secretary




1.         The name of the Association is "The Central Secretariat Official Language Service Translation Officers Association" in short CSOLSTOA.


2.         The Registered Office of the Association will be situated in the city of New Delhi. The address for communication would as decided by the Executive Body or the office address of the President of the Association.


3.         The aims and objects for which the Association is established are:

I.          To work for the benefit, welfare and development of the Members of the CSOLS and for Social, Cultural and Professional development of the members of the service with the following main targets:

(a) to promote unity and foster fraternity among all the members of the CSOLS;

(b) to promote the rightful causes and safeguard legitimate interests of the members in Service through the procedure laid down in the rules and regulations, made by the Government from time to time;

(c) to co-operate with Government in promoting measures related to official language and increasing the efficiency in the services with the sole objective of serving the country;

(d) to coordinate with all Service Associations on all matters affecting the interests of Civil servants under the Union of India;

(e) to organize seminars, lectures, discussions and study groups with a view to explore the possibilities of simplification and rationalization of promoting the official languages and other matters of common interest;

(f) to promote the welfare of the members, both in office and outside; and

(g) to maintain cordial relations with the members of other services as far as mutual interests are concerned.

II.         To carry on activities for the extension of knowledge in the fields of translation, linguistics, implementation of official language and other allied subject.

III.        Generally, to do all acts and undertake all activities necessary, conducive, incidental or ancillary to attain the above-mentioned objects.


IV.        To make sincere efforts as decided from time to time by the Executive Body:

a)    To co-operate and maintain constructive liaison with organizations interested or working in the field of translation, linguistics and implementation of official language.

b)    To submit views or make representation before Government or other authorities, committees, commissions or other bodies on any subject affecting the interest of the members.

c)    To exchange useful knowledge regarding experience, functions, duties and responsibilities of the officers of the Association. 

d)    To arrange lectures, conference, social functions and such other opportunities for interaction among the members either independently or jointly with any other body or bodies. 

e)    To promote among the members of the Association a spirit of fellow feeling and to develop mutual association by organizing meetings, cultural programmes and other activities conducive to the attainment of this objective. 

f)     To publish a journal on the subjects relating to Translation Officers, translation, implementation of official language and publish any circulars, periodical, books, leaflet and to prepare, print and publish and distribute such journals, books and other publications. 

g)    To negotiate and enter into any arrangement with other professional bodies, government, municipal or local authority that may deem conducive to all or any of the objects of the Association.

h)    To appoint or employ person or persons that may be required for the purposes of carrying out the objects and functions of the Association and to pay them or to other person’s salaries, wages, gratuities, provident funds, pensions, commission, fees and such other emoluments. 

i)      To create such classes of members such as patrons, affiliated members, Honorary Members, ordinary members as may be considered necessary to promote the above objects.

j)      To accept grants, donations, contributions or subscription from the Member, Governments and others as the case may be, for promotion of the objects of the Association.

k)    To contribute, donate and give aid, pecuniary or otherwise to any person, association, body and/or movement having objects similar to those of the Association.

l)      To sell, assign, mortgage, lease, exchange and Otherwise transfer or dispose off, any property movable or immovable of the Association as may be necessary or convenient for the working of the Association.

m)   To borrow and raise loan from recognized financial institutions and secure its repayment in such a manner as the Association shall deem proper or convenient for furtherance of the above objects.

n)    To prepare and maintain accounts and other relevant records and annual statement of accounts including income and expenditure account and balance sheet of the Association.

o)    To do all such other things as may be necessary for or incidental or conducive to the aims and objects of the Association or allied thereto.

p)    To spread awareness among its members about the health safety measures, prevention of disease/epidemic etc.


4.         The aims, objects and activities of the Association shall extend to the whole of India.


5.         The income and property of the Association when so ever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Association’s asset within the meaning of the Memorandum of Association. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any officers or servants of the Association or to any member thereof or other person in return for any service actually rendered to the Association or the payment of interest on money borrowed from any member of the Association or payments made for subsidizing the expenses incurred in respect of giving benefit to the members to carry out the objects thereof. 

6.         This Association is being registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXT of 1860) with the main object of continuing various activities with the aims and objects of the Association. At the Meeting of the CSOLSTA officers of the "Existing Association" held near the
North Block, New Delhi in on 22nd August, 2022 and it has been resolved to held fresh elections and form a new body Association and to get it registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and it has also been resolved that after formation of new body of this Association, all the assets and liabilities of the existing Association shall stand transferred to and shall become the assets and liabilities of this Association without any further act or deed. Accordingly, this Association after elections held on 12Th Oct, 2022, acquired all the Assets and liabilities of the existing association. Later on with approval of General Body this Association renamed itself as CENTRAL SECRETARIAT OFFICIAL LANGUAGE SERIVCE TRANSLATION OFFICERS ASSOCIATION on 24TH Feb, 2023.  All Sr. and Jr. Translation Officers, who were member of old Association (after payment of the one time Registration fee) became members of CSOLSTOA and later on new members were also included on payment of one time registration fee.  And their records viz. their names, designations, Ministry(ies) and Department(s) and contact details etc. would be listed and maintained as members of this Association on year to year basis.


7.         Some of the members of the Executive Body have been elected through an election held on 17 Oct, 2022 in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of Business of this Association (namely CSOLSTOA) and other posts of members of Executive Body have been filled by nomination from amongst the members of Association (namely CSOLSTOA).  The name, address and occupations of the members of the Executive Body in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of Business of the Association, the management of its affairs is entrusted, are as follows: as on …03.2024 (date of the adopted Memorandum of Association).


Sl. No.

Full Name (S/Shri/Smt./Ms)

Designation in the Executive Body

Present Occupation


Saurabh Arya (at present STO in Ministry of Steel)


Govt. Servant


Vishakha Bisht (at present STO in DGHS)



Vimal Singh (at present JTO in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting)



Sunil Kumar Chaurasia (at present STO in, Ministry of Home Affairs)

General Secretary


Atul Kumar Tiwari (at present STO in  NSCS)

Joint Secretary


Shubham Ramawat (at present JTO in Ministry of Commerce)

Joint Secretary


Prem Chand Singh Yadav (at present STO in Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India)



8.         We the CSOLSTOA Officers whose names and addresses are given below, having associated ourselves for the purpose described in this Memorandum of Association do hereby subscribe our names to this Memorandum of Association and set our several and respective hands, hereunto and are desirous of being formed into an Association under the Societies Registration Act (XXT of 1860) at New Delhi:



Sl. No.

Full Name

Office Address

Residential Address




Saurabh Arya (at present STO in Ministry of Steel)

Room no. 66, Ministry of Steel, Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-110011

J-2, Gali No. 8, Pandav Nagar, New Delhi-92

Govt. Servant



Vishakha Bisht (at present STO in DGHS)

Room No.741-A, DGHS, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110001

C/o Rohit Bisht, S-95, Apex Royal Castle, Nyay Khand-1, Indirapuram Gaziabad, Utter Pradesh- 201014



Vimal Singh (at present JTO in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting)

Room No.116-A, 1st floor, A wing, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-110001

S/o Gajendra Singh, Qtr NO. 210, Type-SK, Minto Road Hostel (Old),  Delhi-110002



Sunil Kumar Chaurasia (at present STO in Home minister’s Office, Ministry of Home Affairs)

Room No.203, Home Minister’s Office, North Block, New Delhi-110001

B-1606, Apex Golf Avenue, Greater Noida West, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- 201306



Atul Kumar Tiwari (at present STO in  NSCS)

Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi-01

Godavari 22,  Schedule A, President Estate,




Shubham Ramawat (at present JTO in Ministry of    Commerce)

Room No.  20,

OL Division, Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi-01

S/o Ramswaroop Ramawat, 812, 8th Floor, Type- Sk, Minto Road Hostel, Delhi-110002



Prem Chand Singh Yadav (at present STO in Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India)

Hindi Division, Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Sewa Bhavan, R. K. Puram, Sec-1, New Delhi

E-75, Moti Bagh 1,  South West Delhi,

Delhi- 110021



The Signatures of the above mentioned office bearers are authenticated by







General Secretary

